About us

The Association of Library Professionals is a non profit organization. Established under Gujarat trade unition act, 1926 at Gandhinagar, Gujarat. The registration number is: G-6680


• Promote the library movement in Gujarat.
• Organize library talks, lectures, conferences and exhibitions and workshops.
• Print and publish any newspapers, periodicals, pamphlets, books, and leaflets, charts, posters, statistics that the Association may think desirable for the promotion of its objects.
• Raise donations and accept endowments for furtherance of library movement.
• Serve as an information bureau in respect of library matters
• Consult with government body for Library professional development and career
• Work for the enactment of such legislation as would be conductive to the extension of library facilities, better utilization and administration of libraries
• Organize and conduct or help other institutions and organizations for maintaining and conducting training classes for library science or any of its nature
• Work for the betterment of service conditions and for status of library professionals